Bicycle Disc Brake Caliper Mount
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”11″ sortorder=”140,141,134,135,136,137,138,139″ display=”basic_slideshow”]It’s no secret that I can get pretty wrapped up in projects. Witness a “small” project that I took on for a friend,…
Camera Slider Track
I have long wanted to work on some motion-controlled camera rigs, for time lapse and moving video shot purposes. The longest-brewing idea I have had is for…

More Microscope Hacking: Camera Output!
[singlepic id=405 w=600] Apparently hacking around with my microscope has turned into something of an obsession. The other day, I wondered if I could easily add a…
Epic Builds: Articulated Stereo Microscope Arm
[singlepic id=391 w=640 h=480] I’ve wanted a stereo microscope in my home lab for ages. In the last couple of years, it’s become an increasingly urgent need…
CNC Electronics Enclosure Work Commences…
Santa’s workshop was busy today. I finally got some motivation and time to continue work that I started a year ago, but really, has been a nagging…
HOWTO: Tormach TTS Conversion Kit Installation
Here is a quick how-to video I put together using some really old footage I shot in May of 2010. It shows how the Tormach Tooling System…
CNC Mill Telescoping Way Covers, Take 2
Quite some time ago (May 2011) I had managed to track down a telescoping way cover for a close relative (Sieg KX3) of my milling machine (Sieg…
More Custom Mountain Bike Parts
I finally got the CNC mill running well enough to actually run a couple of parts. My friend had trashed the skid plates that we made for…
Back from Summer Break: Droid Razr Maxx Car Dock
Summer is long over here in New England, and with snow falling from the sky, naturally my thoughts return back to the machine shop, the electronics lab,…
Encoder Coupler Idea
I have been trying to come up with a good way to attach a rotary encoder to the spindle of my CNC milling machine, so I can…
Mountain Bike Skid Plate
[singlepic id=323 w=320 float=left] One of the guys I ride with recently bought a new bike from Solstice, which is a very small one-man operation. One of…
[singlepic id=316 w=360 float=left]Last night I decided to get my Quick Change Toolpost installed on the lathe. A Quick Change Toolpost (QCTP) allows one to quickly swap cutting…
Lathe Hoisting
[singlepic id=310 w=480 float=left] With the lathe arriving at the house last week, I needed to formulate a plan to get it up onto the bench. I…
[singlepic id=297 float=left w=240]Back in May I ordered a Grizzly G0602 metalworking lathe, expecting it to arrive within a week or so. Unfortunately they were out of…
Another Mill Upgrade (with a Plot Twist)
[singlepic id=295 w=320 h=240 float=left]Some time last year, I found this link and went as far as getting in touch with Harbor Freight to try to order the…