Here’s another quick and practical project that I knocked off in a couple evenings. My new POC mountain bike helmet has a non-standard venting arrangement, which makes it tricky to mount most bike lights that use Velcro straps. However, I had mounted one of the adhesive GoPro camera mounts to shoot some video footage a couple months ago, and the adhesive mount seemed so strong that it was a good candidate to hold my bike light in the center of the helmet.
The problem is that my bike light has a different mounting scheme compared to the GoPro mount. Additionally, the way I mounted the GoPro mount on the helmet required a 90 degree twist, which I account for using an adapter when I mount the camera. I needed a similar adapter with the 90 degree twist, but with one end designed to attach to the bike light.
The CAD design was fairly easy, but it turned out to be one of the most complex and smallest parts I’ve made yet on the CNC. Primarily this is because I had to do machining on all six sides of the part! I’ve never done this before, but with a little bit of planning it was really not that painful. I still had some slight alignment issues setting up for each machining operation as evidenced in the final product, but it does not effect the functionality at all.